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可穿戴設備已成為每個人生活的一部分,并且越來越受歡迎。隨著從醫療保健到健身追蹤的多樣化應用,越來越多的可穿戴設備正在開發中,它們可以實時發送和接收信息。迄今為止,就可靠性和電阻而言,電纜代表了較穩定的通信形式。然而,對于可穿戴系統,電纜會限制運動并在可穿戴傳感系統上引入額外的噪聲和運動偽影。另一方面,無線設備在設計、制造和使用方面可能相對復雜。為了改善可穿戴系統中的通信,一種可能的策略是采用能夠傳導電信號的導電墨水,這些墨水可以打印在織物上,而不會受到傳統有線系統通常相關的運動限制。因此,在可穿戴傳感器中使用這種導電墨水可能會帶來一種*舒適的全天監測健康數據(心率、肌肉收縮等)的方法。本文對有前途的導電油墨PE873(杜邦公司生產)的性能進行了測試和分析。研究了與拉伸、折疊和洗滌測試相關的導電油墨電性能。評估并展示了印刷在所選織物上的油墨的電氣性能。此外,還提出了一種旨在提高連接性能的優化印刷程序,并展示了一種基于 PE873 能夠讀取肌肉收縮的新型系統的開發,從而表明這種導電墨水是一種有前途的可拉伸電連接解決方案在可穿戴領域。
Nowadays, wearable devices are part of everyone’s life and their popularity is constantly increasing.
With diverse applications, spanning from healthcare to fitness tracking, more and more
wearable devices are being developed which can send and receive information in real-time.
To date, electric cables represent the most stable form of communication in terms of reliability
and resistance. However, for wearable systems, cables restrict movement and introduce
additional noise and movement artefacts on wearable sensing systems. Wireless devices,
on the other hand, can be comparatively complicated in design, manufacturing and use.
A possible strategy, to improve communications in wearable systems, is the adoption
of conductive inks able to conduct electrical signals, these can be printed on fabric
without the movement restriction normally associated with traditional wired systems.
The use of such conductive inks in wearable sensors may, therefore, lead to a more comfortable method
of monitoring health data (heart rate, muscle contraction etc.) throughout the day.
In this paper, the properties of the promising conductive ink PE873 (manufactured by DuPont)
are tested and analysed. The conductive ink electrical properties are studied in relation to stretching,
folding and washing tests. The electrical performance of the ink printed onto the selected fabric is assessed
and presented. Furthermore, an optimized printing procedure, aiming at improving the connection performances,
is suggested and the development of a novel system able to read muscle contractions, based on PE873, is demonstrated,
thus showing that this conductive ink is a promising solution for stretchable electrical connections in the wearable field.